Ссылки на сайты о Марселе Прусте1. Marcel Proust Ephemera Site 91% ". . . an informal site dedicated to publishing English translations of Proust's lesser writings. Pieces and letters which, as far as I am aware, are not available in translation elsewhere. " Found by: AltaVista, Open Directory Project, Euroseek, Google, MSN Web Search, Netscape Netcenter, Yahoo! http://www.yorktaylors.free-online.co.uk/ [ Translate ]
2. Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust. Found by: Euroseek, Google, MSN Web Search, Yahoo! http://www.mcelhearn.com/proust.html [ Translate ]
3. Malaspina.com - Marcel Proust (1871-1922)
... Please visit our sponsors. Click Here to Visit our Sponsor Alibris. Marcel
... Please visit our sponsors. Click Here to
Visit our Sponsor Alibris. MarcelProust (1871-1922) [Kolb-Proust Archive]. 7Search.com.
... Found by: AltaVista, Direct Hit, Google, MSN Web Search, WebCrawler, Yahoo! http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/proust.htm [ Translate ]
4. Citations de Marcel Proust
Citations interactives. Found by: Open Directory Project, FAST Search, Google, MSN Web Search, Netscape Netcenter, Yahoo! http://perso.wanadoo.fr/proust/proust/Index.htm [ Translate ]
5. Great Books Index - Marcel Proust
Marcel Proust - Great Books Index. Found by: AltaVista, Direct Hit, Euroseek, GO.com, Google, Yahoo! http://books.mirror.org/gb.proust.html [ Translate ]
6. L'Institut Marcel Proust
Siege: Musee Marcel Proust - Maison de Tante
Leonie 4, rue du Docteur Proust 28120 Illiers Combray L'Institut Marcel Proust
International (I.M.P.I) rassemble et diffuse toutes les informations concernant les
differentes initiatives suscitees par l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust dans le monde entier. Found by: WebCrawler http://www.alma-inter.fr/proust/institut.htm [ Translate ]
7. Le Centre de Recherche Kolb-Proust
Le Centre de Recherche Kolb-Proust Bienvenue au
Centre de Recherche Kolb-Proust, un projet de la bibliotheque de l'Universite d'Illinois a
Urbana-Champaign. Ce Centre est consacre a l'etude de l'ecrivain francais Marcel Proust et
son temps. Il const Found by: FAST Search, Google, MSN Web Search http://www.library.uiuc.edu/kolbp/homeF.htm [ Translate ]
8. Marcel Proust
Societe des Amis de Marcel Proust et des Amis de
Combray - Tel : 02 37 24 30 97 [ Acces au Sommaire ] Realisation 1996 Alma International Found by: GO.com, WebCrawler http://www.alma-inter.fr/proust/ [ Translate ]
9. Marcel ProustMarcel
(Valentin-Louis-George-Eugene) Proust (1871-1922).
Marcel (Valentin-Louis-George-Eugene) Proust
(1871-1922).French novelist, best known for A LA ... Found by: FAST Search, GO.com, Google, WebCrawler, Yahoo! http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/proust.htm [ Translate ]
10. modern library | the proust
workout ... The Captive and The Fugitive. . . . . . Time
... The Captive and The Fugitive. . . . . .
TimeRegained and A Guide to Proust. ... Found by: Google, Yahoo! http://www.randomhouse.com/modernlibrary/proust/ [ Translate ]
11. Marcel
Marcel Proust. Found by: Euroseek http://www.horvathm-szentes.sulinet.hu/irok/xxszazad/euproza/proust.htm [ Translate ]
12. Marcel Proust Letters, Articles,
MARCEL PROUST Found by: Direct Hit, FAST Search http://www.yorktaylors.free-online.co.uk/index.htm [ Translate ]
... Proust- ....................
......................... .............................. ........... Found by: AltaVista http://k-pen.inc.co.jp/catalogue/montblanc/proust/index.html [ Translate ]
14. Compagnie Cecile Proust
Cecile Proust Found by: FAST Search, Google http://perso.wanadoo.fr/aladin/ [ Translate ]
15. Marcel Proust
Societe des Amis de Marcel Proust et des Amis de
Combray - Tel : 02 37 24 30 97 [ Acces au Sommaire ] Realisation 1996 Alma International
Marcel Proust Found by: AltaVista, FAST Search, MSN Web Search http://webperso.alma-net.net/proust [ Translate ]
16. Marcel Proust
Read about the French novelist's childhood and
details on his correspondence, or consult the bibliography and chronology. Available in
French. Found by: FAST Search, MSN Web Search http://www.library.uiuc.edu/kolbp/Proust.htm [ Translate ]
17. proust
Marcel Proust de Gourmand. ... Found by: AltaVista http://www.magazlin.cz/proust/index.htm [ Translate ]
18. Expostion Virtuelle - Proust, l'ecriture et
les arts
Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votre
navigateurne les prend pas en charge. Found by: Google, MSN Web Search http://www.bnf.fr/web-bnf/expos/proust/ [ Translate ]
19. Proust of the Vine
t was one of those damp, blustery, chilling
nights in January when all I wanted to do was go home and sit in front of the heater for a
while when I first discovered Bonny Doon's delightful Grenache, Clos de Gilroy. It was the
... Found by: FAST Search, GO.com, WebCrawler http://proust.com/vine.html [ Translate ]
20. Marcel Proust: La Maison de Tante Leonie
Entre six et neuf ans, Marcel Proust vient
passer les vacances de Paques et d'ete a Illiers, chez sa tante, Elisabeth Amiot, soeur de
son pere, et chez le mari de celle-ci, Jules Amiot, "l'oncle horticulteur et
cuisinier". Found by: WebCrawler http://www.alma-inter.fr/proust/maison.htm [ Translate ]
21. Translating Proust into English
Marcel Proust, translation into English. Found by: Euroseek http://www.mcelhearn.com/transproust.html [ Translate ]
22. Creative Quotations from Marcel Proust
Quotes from Marcel Proust to inspire your
creative thinking Found by: Euroseek http://www.bemorecreative.com/one/206.htm [ Translate ]
23. A Glimpse Inside The WELL
From the Cooking ... As seen on The WELL, quoted
with permissionof the author. Home | Join | About ... Found by: Google, Yahoo! http://www.well.com/words.html [ Translate ]
24. Memory
Triggering Corner
Trigger autobiographical memories online, using
techniques from the acclaimed Proust Press book. For scrapbooking, journals, writers and
others. Found by: Open Directory Project, Netscape Netcenter http://www.triggers.com/ [ Translate ]
25. Proust On-line
Proust On-line is the first interactive forum
for enthusiasts around the world to share their thoughts on the difficulties of
translating Marcel Proust. Penguin has comissioned a new annotated translation of Proust's
A la recherche du temps perdu. Uniquely, it Found by: Euroseek http://www.penguin.co.uk/proust/index.html [ Translate ]
26. Lunacharsky on Marcel Proust ... Marcel
Proust ... **. It is impossible to understand Proust's socio-literary
... Marcel Proust ... **. It is impossible to
understand Proust's socio-literarycharacter without going into certain aspects of his
personality. ... Found by: Google, Yahoo! http://art-bin.com/art/oluna4pro.html [ Translate ]
27. Aphorisms Galore! --
Aphorisms by Author: Marcel Proust
Find witty sayings by author or category, read
background info, and contribute your own favorite sayings. Found by: Direct Hit http://www.aphorismsgalore.com/author/Marcel_Proust.html [ Translate ]
28. http://www-syscom.univ-mlv.fr/~vignat/Html/...
A Tribute to Marcel Proust for the 75th
anniversary of his death Found by: Direct Hit, Euroseek, MSN Web Search, Yahoo! http://www-syscom.univ-mlv.fr/~vignat/Html/Proust/proust.html [ Trans late ]
29. Cambridge University Press
All FIELDS ? July 1989 148 Pages
1 table Paperback 0-521-31544-1 $11.95 Proust: Swann's Way Stern, Sheila A study of
Found by: Direct Hit http://www.cup.org/Titles/31/0521315441.html [ Translate ]
30. Le Bulletin Marcel Proust
Le "Bulletin de Marcel Proust", revue
annuelle de l'Association reservee aux adherents depuis 1950, publie des inedits de Marcel
Proust, des articles originaux et des comptes-rendus bibliographiques. Found by: WebCrawler http://www.alma-inter.fr/proust/bulletin.htm [ Translate ] |