Ссылки на сайты о Габриэль Гарсия Маркесе

"Макондо" - русскоязычный сайт, посвящёный Габриэль Гарсия Маркесу


Discussion forum and live chat devoted to Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
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The Beat Generation : Writers from the Beat Era of American Literature
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Macondo is a comprehensive Web resource exploring the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
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Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez began his career as a journalist for a series of liberal South American newspapers in the late 1940's. Although he toyed with fiction as a young man, his fi...
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
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Book review of Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera" by Robert Couteau.
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Biographie, bibliographie, nouvelle en ligne.
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Description of several river resources, including the journal "People and the Planet Rivers of Life." Includes links to essays about rivers and water by several international activists and the writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Literature, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
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Un prologo de Gabriel Garcia Marquez Las siguientes paginas fueron escritas por Garcia Marquez como prologo de la coleccion de novelas de Simenon editada por Tusquets. las he incluido aqui porque constituyen un resumido ejemplo de la tecnica na
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez by Dolan, Sean; Library Binding
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Seite uber Gabriel Garcia Marquez mit Biographie, Bibliographie, Bildern, Leseproben, Links und einigem mehr.
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1928- ) Homepage History: GDR Poster Art GDR Poster Art and Chile GDR Poster Art and Nicaragua GDR Poster Art and other Latin American Countries GDR Poster Art and other Developing Nations Anti-USA Posters Gabriel Garcia Mar
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A bibliography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors.
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15. Macondo

dedicated to Gabriel Garcia Marquez and his work.
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Biografia literaria sobre el ganador del premio Nobel de Literatura
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National Origin Ethnic Origin Late 20th Century Nobel Prize, L.A. Times Book Prize Annotated Works Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Leaf Storm Love in the Time of Cholera One of These Days The Tale of ...
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Author's biography and a recommended book list are featured by Mostly Fiction. Find a list of reviews and articles about Marquez.
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1996 essay by Garcia Marquez about the river Magdalena.
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Shop at Amazon.com where you will find a huge selection of books at great prices. Shop here for A Study Guide to Gabriel Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude and find more books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
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Literary Criticism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Literary Criticism, Gabriel Garcia Marquez Bibliography
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A bibliography of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors.
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Las siguientes paginas fueron escritas por Garcia Marquez como prologo de la coleccion de novelas de Simenon editada por Tusquets. las he incluido aqui porque constituyen un resumido ejemplo de la tecnica narrativa de Gabo, y ademas supongo que dificil de...
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Shop at Amazon.com where you will find a huge selection of books at great prices. Shop here for Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude : A Critical Commentary and find more books by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
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